Fundamental Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic
Dr. Andrew H. Bartelt is a professor emeritus of the biblical languages at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He retired in 2020 after 42 years of professional service. Dr. Andrew Steinmann studies Hebrew, Aramaic languages, apocalyptic literature, and biblical studies. These two professors are biblical language scholars. Fundamental Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, Second Edition is a textbook and Biblical study resource for university and seminary students, pastors, and scholars alike. This is well written and approaches learning Hebrew a bit differently than other grammar textbooks. This textbook is outstanding in every way. The straightforward methodology combines the best elements of format and pedagogy. This makes it beneficial for both students and teachers. The format of the book is easy to understand and moves at a pace that is easy to grasp, unlike other beginners’ books. This book is designed for individuals who have a grasp of the basic tools...