Jesus and the Victory of God

Wright focuses on the Historical Jesus in this book. Who was he? What did he say? And what did he mean by it? These are some of the questions he answers. Wright argues that Jesus was immersed in the texts of the Hebrew Bible. He then offered a unique interpretation in which all the institutions of the Jewish people are seen to be fulfilled in him. Jesus, Wright argues, used the three years of his mission to impart an exegesis that is by no means surpassed even by the rabbis of the Talmud.

Whether one agrees that Jesus truly interpreted the Hebrew Scriptures with the profound understanding Wright imparts to him is up to the judgment of every reader. But it is a perspective that deserves a hearing. With Jesus remaining at the center of much of Western religious culture, it’s interesting to view him as a creative genius—albeit one whose mind was shaped by his particular place and time. Well worth reading by all who find the man from Nazareth a person of perennial interest.


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