The Holy Spirit in John's Gospel.

The Gospel of John is evidently quite different from the Synoptic Gospels in its presentation of the Son of God, although each of the Synoptic Gospels has its own peculiar presentation of Jesus; and it can be added that the presentation of the Holy Spirit in John is different, in the main, from that of any other writing. Apart from the first mention of the Spirit in chapter 1, every other remark concerning the Holy Spirit is from the lips of the Son of God Himself, although there is the comment of the Evangelist on the words of Jesus in chapter 7:39.

The Spirit … abode upon Him

As in Luke, the Spirit of God descends from heaven like a dove, but here it is the testimony of John Baptist who says. "I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon Him" (John 1:32). It is not merely the record of the event, but the witness of John concerning it: he tells us what he saw. Here also are added the words "it abode upon Him." In the Son of God, there was a dwelling place for the Spirit of God. One upon whom He could rest with the deepest pleasure, and remain for the carrying out of all God's will.

The descent of the Spirit, and its abiding on Jesus, was a sign from God to John 'Baptist as to who Jesus was, so that Jesus as Son of God was seen and witnessed to in His glory by John. The One on whom the Spirit came and remained was to baptize with the Holy Spirit, and from this John perceived the divine glory of Jesus. Who else but a divine Person could be the resting place of the Holy Spirit? Who but a divine Person could baptize with the Holy Spirit? There was divine intelligence in John to discern that One with these marks was none other than the Son of God.


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