The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts: A Literary Interpretation: Volume One: The Gospel according to Luke
I picked up this book after reading other commentaries on Luke that left me rather cold. I was interested in the literary approach because I was hoping to understand the structure of Luke (which at first seems rather disjointed). The author provided ample thematic structure to pull the book of Luke together for me and offered some significant insights. However, the prose style of the author is hard to read. He tends to jump around from idea to idea and is constantly leaping ahead of himself. I had to simple put my head down and march into the wind!
While Luke identifies his purpose in the prologue (Luke 1:1-4), this work on the Gospel truly shows Luke's theme of "All flesh will see God's salvation," (Luke 3:6) - Jesus being that salvation.
Luke shows an emphasis on Jesus' interaction with Jews, Samaritans, Gentiles, the rich, the poor and women. Luke is the only evangelist to mention the back story of John the Baptist. Luke is the only one of the gospels to mention Jesus being sent to Herod during the Passion story. Luke mentions over 10 women not mentioned in any of the other gospels. Luke is the only one to mention the Ascension. I think volume two will be even better.
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