Context of Galatians
While we know that the region of Galatia was located in north-central Asia Minor, its expansiveness and Paul’s lack of specificity means we cannot identity precisely where within Galatia his letter was sent. The occasion, however, of the letter, written in the late 40s or early 50s CE, is altogether clear.
The book of Galatians is a Pauline Epistle. It was written by the Apostle Paul about 49 A.D. prior to the Jerusalem Council which had taken place in 50 A.D. This quite possibly could have been Paul’s first letter. The key personalities of this book are the Apostle Paul, Peter, Barnabas, Abraham, Titus, and false teachers.
Galatians is not written to one church or an individual but to a group of Churches in the Roman province of Galatia. Galatia was a region in Asia Minor or modern-day Turkey. It was written before the council in Jerusalem spoken of in Acts 15. Galatians is sometimes called Little Romans because of the similarity of its message with the book of Romans. Galatians is written in response to some Jewish teachers who had come from Jerusalem.
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