The Will of God as a Way of Life
Jerry Sittser has a remarkable gift for taking complex theology and applying it to everyday life. Many people are good at telling you how to live a Christian life, but their theology may be weak. Sittser is a theologian, and he supports his points with numerous scripture references. In his book, The Will of God as a Way of Life: How to Make Every Decision with Peace and Confidence, the only thing not to like is the title. The subtitle makes it sound like a self-help book. While you will walk away with a new insight, this is no simple, "follow these three steps to better decisions" book.
Instead, Sittser dives head on into the theological issues surrounding the will of God. God's sovereignty, our free will, calling, and the role of suffering in our lives, all get ample attention.
But what grabs me the most is his opening conversation about God's will for our life. What do we mean we say "it is God's will?" And how about following God's will. What if we make the wrong decision and head down a different path? Sittser explores these questions, and provides an answer.
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