In Matthew 7:1, we are called to examine our motives once again. This time it is in consideration with how we cast judgment towards others. This text specifically asks us to take the time to consider our own motives and conduct before casting judgment on someone else. Interestingly enough, most times we are more inclined to changing behaviors in others rather than changing behaviors within ourselves. Jesus’ statement is a warning against hypocritical and judgmental behavior that is usually displayed to bring shame to others while building oneself up. 

Personally, this is one thing that I try to keep in mind often. It is easy to want others to do better and to be better while not taking the time to consider what ways I can improve and become better. The author even mentions that “we are not to be critical or condemning but be more generous in our assumptions about other’s actions”. We are to keep this at the forefront of our minds and to leave judgment to God who is our Righteous Judge. 


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