Some say there are three kinds of wealth, others say seven. But regardless of how we define wealth, we know much of it comes from our non-material blessings. We have so much for which to be thankful, don’t we? To remind us that our blessings exceed those of millionaires’, we need the life-changing spiritual discipline of chronicling gifts. 

For what are you thankful beyond family and friends? Your health? Great blessings! But beyond these… Here’s part of my own list.

I’m thankful for God. Where would we be without the Eternal Presence walking with us through ups and downs? How can an infinitely holy God deal justly with sin while also showing infinite love? I’m grateful that an infinitely creative God made a way.

I’m thankful for my larger family of faith that has loved me for decade upon decade and for the local one that takes me to the throne of grace every week through word and song.

I’m thankful for the cloud of witnesses and patriots who laid down their lives that I could enjoy both spiritual and civil freedom.

We need to check our thankfulness in life. 


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