McFadden's book is an excellent and important contribution to the current discussion and a reliable guide to a more precise understanding of Paul’s doctrine of faith in Christ. This book deals with a serious theological issue hinging on the question of whether or not the translation of several texts in the Apostle Paul’s letters should be read as “faith in Christ” or “faith of Christ. The author of the book is a fantastic writer and does a good job synthesizing his thoughts. McFadden’s work is a competent defense of the traditional reading of the passage in question. 

This book is a mixture of two books in one.  I felt like I was reading two different books, one that addressed the title of the book and the other that handled the translation question of faith and Christ. Yet, this is an important issue that is not going away, so the book is worth one's time. The reader cannot miss the foreword by Robert Yarbrough. It is superb and probably worth the price of the book itself.  I give this book 3 stars because it goes into too much detail that the laity cannot understand. 

I received a review copy from Crossway.


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