Deep Discipleship: How the Church Can Make Whole Disciples of Jesus by J.T. English, published by B&H publishers in 2020, deals directly with an issue that has bothered me for some time. The Church needs to try to bring Disciples of Jesus to the forefront.
English is a good writer with a passion for his topic. He has touched on a problem that needs to be addressed. Local churches should take on more responsibility for the theological education of their members. Churches should evaluate their discipleship programs to see that they are giving people what they need. We need to escape the consumerist approach to church because the customer is not always right when it comes to spiritual matters.
I have a minor quibble with English’s understanding of the Great Commission. In my opinion, a church doesn’t fulfill the Great Commission until it sends out workers cross-culturally. Also, there are a small number of spelling and layout errors in the book that are distracting. I believe English has written an important book that church leaders need to consider. In a post-Christian culture, we need deep discipleship that is biblically grounded, theologically sound, and God-centered.
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