Kim Riddlebarger.  The Lion of Princeton: B.B. Warfield as Apologist and Theologian.  Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015. 

B.B. Warfield was a theologically conservative professor at Princeton in the late 19th century.  Riddlebarger discusses the life and thought of this remarkable and daunting theologian. This book is a great read for anyone wanting to dig into the life and times of Warfield.  The book explores a lot of topics, but the most prominent topic concerns Warfield’s thoughts about the relationship between apologetics and grace.   

Warfield was an advocate of classic apologetics, particularly in his defense of the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection.  For certain Calvinist critics, classic apologetics presumes that the truth can be ascertained by people on the basis of reason and evidence, which nullifies the importance of transforming grace in enabling people to accept the Gospel.  These people think the Reformed understanding of conversion and classic apologetics run in opposing directions.

This book is a great read and explains Warfield as an apologetic theologian and heavyweight of his era.  The book is a heavy and deep read.  This book is certainly informative, and it makes a contribution to scholarly discussions about Warfield.  The book was somewhat dispersed. A glossary would have been helpful.  Overall, it is a fantastic read and introduction to Warfield. It covers a lot of deep and treacherous ground including his apologetics, systematic theology, and more. If you like homing in on specific figures in Church History, you will very much enjoy this book. If you are a big Warfield fan you will also enjoy this book.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.


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