The Jesus Way: A Conversation on the Ways That Jesus Is the Way by Eugene H. Peterson
I'm not sure what to make of this book. As I read through each chapter I became frustrated that Peterson spent so much time beating around the bush. But then his conclusions came in sharp and penetrating. Each chapter read like a meander up a mountain. The summit was breathtaking, but hard work getting there. Perhaps we need more books like Peterson's that slow us down to a blur.
I must say I was confused by this book. How can it be a book about Jesus if spends most of the time discussing Old Testament Characters and some new pagan leaders? The book is an exercise in Biblical theology. Peterson allows the Bible to speak for itself, and as we soak ourselves in its story we find that the Jesus way becomes clearer. The most helpful chapter was that of Israel's exile. Peterson did an excellent job of conveying how devastating it must have felt for those going through that. The despair, the pain, the anguish, the confusion, I felt all of that while reading that chapter. Having studied the Bible for some years now it is refreshing to read authors who move you and challenge your thinking.
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