Islam entails a deep, piercing throng of hatred. Islam erroneously perceives Roman Catholicism as the head of Christianity today, and they are spoiling for a fight. We can see it building up daily. The pope’s reference to Islam as being birthed by the sword and by their hatred of Christianity, America, Britain, and Australia in particular. The horrid impact of Islam can be seen all around the world. This impact ranges from their own countries to other continents. It had effects on politics in Malaysia, influencing a large part of the political system. Many decisions were based on the religion of the mass population of this country.
Forty years ago, the great majority of people knew almost nothing about Islam. Look at history now, Islam has become the most talked about, written about, and researched religion in the world and the religion about which the most programs have been prepared. This deep state of affairs has contributed to society’s learning about Islam. On the one hand, those involved in such activities have expanded their knowledge about Islam; on the other hand, those to whom this information is directed may have taken the opportunity for the first time in their lives to gain knowledge about Islam. So, it is from the lack of information or wrong information that people who have had little contact with Islam are coming to this religion in droves.
This movement is quite noticeable in the United States, a country founded on religious values. When Americans speak about their country, one of the things they stress is that people from every religious background are free to live together in peace and security. This situation has given Muslim immigrants a place to practice their religion freely and to talk about their faith. As a result, the number of Muslims increases daily. In spite of this, for years, Muslims have remained small in numbers and economically and politically weak. But over the past 10 years, these economic, social, and political difficulties have begun to disappear.
Did you know that a Muslim is not supposed to pray in the presence of a cross? Why do you think Muslims seek to destroy crosses? Many people claim that the reason Islam hates the cross so much is because of the Crusades. As shown throughout history, Muslims have always sought to destroy the sign of the cross wherever they find it. Islam came into existence with a rabid, critical, and personified hatred for Christ and Christianity and remains in an adamant stance of opposition to Christ and anything or anyone that represents or serves Him. As Christians, we need to stand high and live in Christ all the days of our life. Today when I stand between two opposing groups and realize that reconciling love is calling, I remember St. Patrick’s faith. When I step out into unfamiliar territory, I take with me these encircling words of St. Patrick’s Breastplate: Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me. Let us live in Christ.
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