Trinity Without Hierarchy by Michael Bird and Scott Harrower
The editors of this work have assembled a team of scholarly
and deeply profound scholars to undo the damage done by Grudem and the reprehensible
subordinationists. This book is exegetically sound, theologically, rich, and
pastorally sensitive. This book is a welcome and decisive addition to one's theological
and biblical library.
I did not know that there was controversy over this
particular topic and I don't believe I've ever really considered it before. I
unconsciously have always assumed that God the Son does the will of God the
Father, and that that is something that has always been the case, as that is
what a basic reading of the Scriptures teaching on the Godhead seems to
I was impressed with the consistent careful scholarship, the
fine-grained discussion pressing against the limits of human grasp of the
nature of the Triune and wonderful God. Almost every chapter concluded with two
to three pages of bibliography, evidence of a resurgence of trinitarian
theology. The discussion also both gave me a deep appreciation of the
importance of the Nicean-Constantinopolitan formulations regarding the Trinity
and yet raised the question of whether this must, or will always be the
church’s reference point. This book is far more engaging and practical than I
I got a free copy of the book from Kregel. Thanks.
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