Peter J. Leithart’s *The Ten Commandments: A Guide to the Perfect Law of Liberty* is a part of Lexham’s Christian Essentials series. Leithart, president of Theopolis Institute, offers a readable, theological reflection on the Decalogue, drawing from his extensive experience in biblical and cultural studies. The book includes two introductory chapters that assert the relevance of the Ten Commandments for Christians, citing their presence in the New Testament, early church writings, and Christian worship. Leithart argues that the Decalogue, like Jesus, is a vital part of Christian life.

The book divides the Ten Commandments into two sections: the first focusing on God and worship, and the second on human relationships. Leithart explores how the commandments touch on various areas of life, such as family, violence, sexuality, and speech, and he emphasizes their ongoing importance in Christian practice. For example, he connects the Sabbath commandment to the need for rest and worship, and links the prohibition of murder to Jesus’ teachings on anger and reconciliation. 

Leithart also addresses contemporary issues such as sexual ethics, viewing the seventh commandment against adultery in light of modern debates on sexual autonomy, drawing parallels between biblical teachings and issues like pornography. Each chapter offers insights into the ethical and spiritual implications of the commandments for today, making the book suitable for personal devotion or group study. The book is designed in a compact, attractive format with ample endnotes for further study.

Leithart’s *The Ten Commandments* is both a theological exploration and a practical guide for living in accordance with God's law, making it a valuable resource for understanding how ancient commands remain relevant in contemporary Christian life.


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